I love the rich and intricate details of Dolce&Gabbana. It teases the senses with its layered and minute attention to color and texture. Although examined piece by piece, their signature looks can scream gaudy or over-the-top, taken all together, they create a hyper-real dream world, exactly what we can imagine the king and queens of a world that never existed wore 300 years ago, an alternate timeline of earth if Dolce and Gabbana had lived centuries ago. They and Alexander McQueen have that touch, to weave history and fantasy together and produce a magical, ethereal world.
At Sasi Bon, we also play with color and pattern, as much as our medium allows us to. Color treated stones, crystals, pearls even imperfect ones, also offer that strange quality, of a nature which is not quite natural. It has been transformed and transmuted. Maybe they do exist somewhere, yet unfound despite our best efforts, but we created them here first because we can imagine it right now.