While we think color choices are individual to your mood and your needs, sometimes to see what others predict will be the hot colors is fun and interesting to note. Perhaps it will make us look at a color that we never considered before and open up new ideas for merchandise mixing. For instance, we are always hesitant to wear yellow ourselves, but we have been seeing yellow dresses on celebrities, and we must say it is unexpectectedly eye-catching and attractive! Yellow stones like citrine, lemon quartz, and lemon jade are also beautiful stones in their own right, and we look at them now with new appreciation. Here are the colors Pantone has presented as their Spring Summer 2017 trendy tones. What do you think of them?
It takes a bold personality and rule-breaking fashion iconoclast to wear non-conformist accessories. Like an explorer, she rejects the beaten path and forges ahead into unknown territory, hungry for the unusual. She fits no mold. Stone beads are often the jewelry of choice for the avant-garde since they offer colors, shapes, and sizes as expressive and unique as herself. Stone jewelry embraces the natural, the unplanned, the lovely “flaws” that are somehow harmonious rather than jarring. It takes bold personality to see these elements of chaos and find the balance and the beauty. She looks into each inclusion, each striae, each facet and finds a story ready to leap out. She is part of that story too.
Further to our thoughts about tangerine, this notoriously difficult color to wear actually works very well as an accent color, especially when paired with a neutral hue such as grey or tan or olive. Then the color really pops without becoming too cartoonish or overwhelming. As such, jewelry and accessories in tangerine tones then becomes a great merchandise to carry to complement this trend. Sasi Bon offers some great tangerine accent pieces which is just tart enough for the fashionable woman who does not want to look too fruity!